My love for the Bottle Nose Dolphin began when I was 6 years old.when our family went to Sea World .I became enthralled and mesmerized by this playful, and gentle creature that had a perpetual smile on it's face. Back in the 60's at Sea World there was a Dolphin tank that was chest level to me with no railing. I just had to touch one and I put both hands in . Needless to say my father proceeded to quickly pull me away.When we took our own children, and boy! things had changed, no open tanks! Imagine that! Living where I do, the Inter Coastal Waterway is my open tank, and still put my hands in the water to feel a Dolphin. Or when I am swimming, I try to get as close as I can to them.
Over the years I have accumulated several beautiful pieces of Dolphin jewelery, and decor. As far as home decor goes, Dolphin decor for the most part is, let's say pretty tacky! I thought I would share some of my dolphin love with you
I love these hoops of mine |
Dolphin charm. My bracelet is almost finished, and is all seaside and beach inspired, from Pandora. |
Brass door knocker from Amazon |
These beautiful ornaments I think are great all year long. Hang them in the window or on a cabinet knob.Nautical Luxuries |
Cabinet pulls |
Some of the most fun I have ever had.! |
i love dolphins too!
Thank you again for including us in your post today! We are also following along...great posts :) Of course we love coastal style and have enjoyed going through your archives ;)
Love love love! I was the exact same way! The beauty and the mystery of them, they way they always smile always fascinated me. I loved swimming with them, it was such a surreal feeling being in the water with them something I hope to do again. :)
What a cute post. Dolphins are such a neat creatures. I love them and wish I knew more about them.
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